Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Exposition

Warning: if you aren't a deep thinker, this may not be your place. ^^ So, I was at a sleepover with a bunch of my friends, and we were chatting about depression. I know, fun sleepover, right? Anyway, so we got into a huge conversation about how are lives never really reach the Gate that we're all looking for.

Confused yet? Well, several years ago in school, we learned about a basic story line, or a Hero's Journey as we called it. The whole Gate business relates to that. Let me give you a little summary.

1. The Exposition: the main character is bored with life and is looking for something exciting to happen. This stage creates the setting and gives you background information about the story.

2. The Gateway and the Gatekeeper: something exciting happens! The main character crosses some sort of threshhold and is thrust into a new, exciting world. This sets up the conflict and plot. The Gatekeeper is the person who blocks the main character from crossing the threshhold.

Example: Hogwarts and the Dursleys in Harry Potter

This is pretty much all you need to know to understand our conversation. We chatted about how our entire lives are basically expositions. Nothing so important happens to most of us that changes the entire course of the story.

So. Chew on that. Any comments? Does anyone believe that they have had some sort of Threshhold?

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